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Covering Needs

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Roof Pitch

Depending on a peaked roof or flat roof, different sheeting is required.


All dimensions are measured in metres.

Sheeting info

In metres.
Awning and Garaport

Left Awning

Left Awning

All dimensions are measured in metres.

Right Awning

Right Awning

All dimensions are measured in metres.



All dimensions are measured in metres.


Sheeting info

Roller Doors
Roller Doors are a popular choice among customers


Window dimensions are measured in millimetres.

Personal Access Doors
Vermin Flashing
A cost effective solution that surrounds the shed to prevent critters getting inside.

Insulation is a great option depending on your shed use.

Polycarbonate Roofing

We use the standard Colorbond colours for all aspects of our sheds and carports.

An alternative option is using Zincalume which is a cost saving metallic coating. Not sure on colours? Simply leave it blank.

image of colours

Services interested in

Steel Framing
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